Pricing and licenses

Everything tailored to you.

Single user

Use simcision for business or private purposes as a single user
1 user
per year plus VAT
Start now


  • Create an unlimited number of simcision models and simulations
  • Access sample models
  • Import and export models as a file
  • Share models with other simcision users


Invite members and work together in teams
1+ users, 1+ Teams
from 900 €
per year plus VAT
Start now


  • For all users: scope as for individual users
  • Teams
    Shared folders for your members or external users
  • Organization
    Interface for managing members and teams, assigning licenses, rights and roles


Get a license package tailored to your needs
10+ users
Upon request
Contact us


  • Individual composition of licenses and team areas
  • Special packages for teaching and training
  • Creation and distribution of completed simulation models / simulation games
  • Support via supplementary contract possible

Do you need a license for your educational institution? Then request it here.


An organization license allows you to invite other members to simcision and to use a common model repository. You decide individually how many licenses and team areas you want to purchase. Additional licenses are always floating licenses. This means that an assigned license can be withdrawn at any time and be assigned to another user.

In a team area you can collaborate either with members of your organization or with external guests who have an independent simcision license (e.g. “single user”). All members of a team can access the shared model repository, create new models or edit existing models.

As a single user you cannot purchase team areas, but you can be invited by organizations to join teams as a guest. Furthermore, with a valid simcision license you can always share individual models from your repository with other members, who can view them or save them as a copy.

It is important to us to bring the systems thinking approach into broad application and to anchor it in education as well. Therefore, we do not only provide special conditions for educational institutions, but also gladly support students and PhD students in their work. If you would like to use simcision for your bachelor / master thesis or doctorate, please feel free to contact us.

You can view our example models free of charge without registration. In addition to a comprehensive model, you will also find a basic model here to model your own ideas. Furthermore, we are happy to provide you with a temporary test account. You can contact us here.

All members of a team can access the team’s model repository at any time, create new models or edit existing models. The model repository can be organized into folders. As the administrator of a team, you can lock individual models and thus protect them against modification by other team members. Simultaneous parallel editing of a model by several team members is not possible. If two members work in different instances of a model at the same time, a dialog is displayed when saving, asking which version should be used or whether a copy should be created.

If you have any further questions
please have a look at the other FAQs

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